Mary Aline Mary Aline

How to Master the Technique of Basal Body Temperature (BBT)

Master the technique of taking your basal body temperature. Basal body temperature (BBT) tracking is an easy, and inexpensive way to confirm ovulation in your chart and help predict when your period with come. BBT is one of the primary biomarkers, along with vaginal secretions, used to track your cycle to prevent or plan for pregnancy, monitor your health, and give you deeper insight into how your internal landscape is affected by the choices you make.

I'll answer the following questions: When should I take my BBT?, Do I have to take my BBT at the same time every day?, How long should I keep the thermometer in my mouth?, When should I take my BBT in my cycle?, Does the amount of time I sleep matter?, What can affect my BBT?, What can BBT tell me about my cycle and overall health?, How can I predict my period using BBT?

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Mary Aline Mary Aline

Hidden Factors That Could Be Throwing Off Your BBT

Did you know that certain lifestyle factors could be affecting getting an accurate basal body temperature (BBT)? This could be contributing to why it's difficult to see a temperature shift in your chart if you are cycle tracking.

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Mary Aline Mary Aline

Confidently Confirm Ovulation on your Chart

The 2 cycle tracking skills that you'll need to master in order to feel confident about confirming ovulation on your chart is being able to identify a temperature shift and draw a coverline.

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Mary Aline Mary Aline

Discover the Power of your Cycle 

When you align your lifestyle with your cycle- you just feel better. You aren’t trying to swim upstream anymore, you are riding the waves of your hormones and you know what to expect and what your body needs. 

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