Menstrual and Cycle Health

Classes for Teens & Caregivers

caregivers & parents will receive guidance in how to best support their teen as they come of age and traverse puberty 

pre-teens & teens will learn accurate & body positive education about their menstrual-ovulation cycle and anatomy

1:1 virtual support

Each class will be held virtually via Zoom with Mary Aline. Please see the list of topics that can be covered below. Mary Aline uses a variety of teaching methods, including visual photos, journal prompts, somatic exercises, guided visualization, and recommended activities for you and your teen to explore together.


Classes are designed to cover the topics that are most relevant to you and your family. In the first class, Mary Aline will support the caregiver in choosing educational topics that will best support them and their teen.

class packages available

Choose between a 3 or 5 session package with flexible scheduling for you and your family, including weekend nights and weekends. Classes should be used within a 6 month period.


Classes can include:

  • what’s my teen going through? (puberty & what to expect)

  • what’s normal for my body and my cycle?

  • reproductive anatomy

  • personal hygiene and self-care

  • overview of the menstrual ovulation cycle

  • cycle charting for body literacy  

  • hormonal health from a lifestyle perspective

  • coming of age celebrations

  • how to support my teen with their contraceptive choices

  • Improved Confidence

    This was one of the best health experiences I’ve ever had. I honestly felt so comfortable and supported. I am so happy with how much information I’ve learned through our sessions. I feel confident and I am so happy I made this decision.

    Natalie, Canada

  • The sex-ed you've been waiting for

    I've gained a deeper understanding of my body & its cycles- and this knowledge is power. This is the sex education I've been waiting for my entire life. I understand myself more deeply and now, I feel like I can make informed decisions for my health & life path.

    This knowledge is what the world needs right now- and I think it has the capacity to break cycles & patterns that no longer serve relationships, families, and nature. This work has the capacity to really change the world.

    Nina, Colorado

  • A safe place to Learn

    Mary is an amazing teacher! I felt free to share my observations and ask questions, without feeling any restrictions or judgements. She is truly passionate about what she does and goes out of her way to make every single individual feel included and completely comfortable. After attending her class, I feel 100% confident about undertaking this new chapter of my life.

    Liz, South Africa

Package of 3 classes



Package of 5 classes



*Scholarships & payment plans are available. Please contact me to discuss these options. It is very important to me that this information is affordable and accessible.


Are you ready
to invest your teens future?