Reclaim the Benefits of your Natural Cycle

Mary Aline | woman smiling with her arms crossed

I’m Mary Aline,

I get it – I spent 7 years on the pill for birth control.

While I was taking various versions of the pill, I felt disconnected from my body, my environment, and my emotions. I experienced mood swings where I felt totally out of control. I felt flat, passion-less, and depressed. My libido was low and I didn’t feel pleasure in the same way.

I wanted to stop taking the pill, but I didn’t know what else to use for birth control and my doctors just offered me more synthetic hormones disguised in different forms- IUD, the shot, the implant, the ring.

I finally discovered fertility awareness after hours of looking online. I felt relieved and nervous.


You deserve an effective birth control without the debilitating symptoms. 

Was it too complicated for me to learn? NO

Was it actually effective?- YES!

Could I really do it every day?- YES!

I learned how to trust my body’s signs of fertility and use my natural cycle as birth control. There is a learn curve, like everything new, but I believe anyone can learn these skills with motivation and dedication.

I’ve effectively used cycle tracking for birth control for over 8 years successfully. And once you learn this method, it doesn’t take more time than brushing your teeth. I’m able to keep up this method every day.

I can confidently identify fertile and infertile times of my cycle. I’m no longer stressed about intimacy and anxious that I could be pregnant each month. I can confidently advocate for myself in intimate situations. I feel relaxed because I understand how my mood is tied to my cycle.

I know my cycle reflects the whole of my physical, emotional, and spiritual health. 


Committed to providing you

inclusive, evidence-based, holistic education.

  • Certified Fertility Awareness & Reproductive Health Educator by The Well: School of Body Literacy (2020)

    • The Well is a 2 year program that prioritizes providing non- religious based education/opinions, full spectrum care, holistic health coaching, reproductive justice, and scientific literacy, & the skills to interpret complex cycles and charts

  • Mentor for Fertility Awareness Students at The Well: School of Body Literacy (2021-present)

  • Accredited Educator by the Association of Fertility Awareness Professionals (AFAP)

    • President of the Board of AFAP since 2022

Association of Fertility Awareness Educators
  • Every Body deserves accurate and inclusive education about their bodies, fertility, and reproduction

  • Full spectrum contraception and emergency contraception as basic healthcare

  • YOU are your own greatest healer

  • Health occurs at every size

I believe…

You’re here for a reason.