Is Fertility Awareness and Cycle Charting right for me?

Fertility Awareness Methods (FAM) aka cycle charting/tracking may be the perfect fit for you if you are someone who experiences menstrual cycles or if you are a caregiver, partner, or advocate for those who do.

There are many goals that you can achieve by understanding your menstrual-ovulation cycle through cycle charting.

With cycle charting you can…

  • prevent pregnancy without using hormonal methods

  • support your future reproductive goals

  • enhance pre-conception health

  • expedite the conception process

  • identify root causes of infertility

  • access less invasive forms of treatment before going through IUI, IVF or other forms of assisted reproductive technologies (ART)

  • understand your personal hormonal imbalances

Using a Fertility Awareness Method to chart your cycles is right for you if…

  • You’re a cycling person currently in your reproductive years

  • You want to gain a deeper level of body awareness in order to feel empowered in your body and your fertility rather than scared, fearful or anxious

  • You can commit to a daily practice that takes no longer than brushing your teeth

  • You can follow-through with your reproductive choices during your fertile wave

  • You have a supportive partner(s)

  • You do not need protection from STI’s or you’re willing to use an alternative barrier method if you do

Here are a few benefits of understanding your menstrual-ovulation cycle:

  • recognize the link between cycle health and general health outcomes

  • avoid getting pregnant without taking any hormones

  • support egg vitality for a future pregnancy

  • get pregnant with ease

  • support your pre-conception health

  • learn your daily fertility patterns to reduce time to conceive

  • support timing of intercourse, insemination, and IUI

  • discover root causes of infertility

  • understand your unique fertility markers prior to IUI/IVF

  • explore a non-invasive alternative to IUI/IVF

  • gain support with hormonal imbalances such as irregular cycles, heavy bleeding, PMS or painful periods, PCOS, hypothyroidism, chronic yeast infections, etc.


Should I use an App to track my cycle?