An all-natural, effective form of birth control

Sex education that teaches you how to use your natural cycle for birth control


You don’t have to live with debilitating symptoms.

When you track your cycle, you use your body’s natural signs of fertility as your birth control.

weight gain

low libido





gut issues


irregular bleeding


  • excited to get your period!

  • aligned with your body’s natural rhythm

  • a deeper understanding of your emotions

  • secure in the choices you’re making to manage your fertility

  • clarity in the lifestyle choices that are actually making a difference in your health

  • confident in knowing where you are in your cycle and what to expect

Imagine feeling…

How cycle tracking works…


Track signs of your fertility by taking your basal body temperature & observing changes in your vaginal secretions everyday.

hand holding a pen icon


Record your observations on your chart (a paper chart or an app).

light bulb icon


Use you chart to determine if you are in a fertile or infertile time of your cycle.


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Make choices that align with your reproductive desires.


Cycle tracking isn’t just for birth control.


Achieve Optimal

understand the link between your menstrual-ovulation cycle and your overall wellness so that you can achieve greater states of well-being

Get Pregnant

identify your patterns of fertility
to support with timing intercourse and decrease the time it takes for you to get pregnant 

Address Hormonal Imbalances

use your cycle data to address the root cause of your hormonal imbalance so that you can live your life feel of symptoms


I’m Mary Aline, I can support you in feeling confident about your reproductive future by teaching you how to track your body’s natural signs of fertility.

Mary Aline Vogel | smiling woman sitting in chair

Learn how to track your cycle for natural birth control

Build your confidence and mastery with my Comprehensive Cycle Charting Course

a couple looking happily at one another

A course designed to teach you:

  • how the menstrual cycle really works

  • how to prevent getting pregnant without having to take synthetic hormones

  • how to heal your hormones after hormonal birth control

  • how to have healthy menstrual cycles

  • Connect to Your Body

    My partner and I are just starting out the cycle tracking journey, and our sessions were incredibly helpful. Mary offered wonderful and insightful guidance and advice that we will carry with us for a long time. Now I am telling everyone about the power of cycle tracking -- and the sense of connection from being in communication with one's body.

    Lily, Colorado

  • Gain Insights into Your Fertility

    As someone who has read Taking Charge of Your Fertility Multiple times, I went in thinking that I had less to learn, but Mary Aline blew my mind with her knowledge of the reproductive system and how fertility works.

    I got so much more out of the course than I was expecting. I am now super confident in my ability to know and interpret my own fertility, and have so many options to create my own contraception plan. Additionally, I have more insight into my hormonal and cycle health.

    Ciara, Colorado

  • Improve Your Technique

    Mary Aline is extremely knowledgeable and met me where I was on my fertility awareness journey. She is patient and thorough and well poised to discuss not only the physical, but the emotional elements of deeper intimacy with the cycle. Through working with Mary Aline, I not only improved my charting technique but feel a lot more empowered about my health and fertility.

    Sara, California

Unsure about how to stop taking your hormonal birth control?

I made a FREE guide to support you in developing a plan to transition off your hormonal birth control with ease.

Have you read all the books and still have questions about your charts & cycles?

Receive Expert Support from a Certified Fertility Awareness Educator


Private consults can support you in:

  • understanding your unique cervical fluid patterns

  • determining if your cycles are ovulatory ➝ receive in depth chart reviews with expert insight

  • determining if your cycles show signs of hormonal imbalance

  • Trying to get pregnant (TTC) ➝ receive personalized feedback about your cycles to improve your chances of getting pregnant

  • Trying to avoid pregnancy (TTA) ➝ learn how to individualize the method for your personal cycle and contraceptive needs

  • Learn key lifestyle factors to boost the health of your cycles for greater health

  • 5 starts

    The Sex Education You've been Waiting For

    Working with Mary Aline was such an empowering experience. I've gained a deeper understanding of my body & its cycles- and this knowledge is power. This is the sex education I've been waiting for my entire life. I understand myself more deeply and now, I feel like I can make informed decisions for my health & life path.

    Nina, Colorado

  • 5 stars

    Get Support while coming off Hormonal Birth Control

    This was one of the best health experiences I’ve ever had. I was very anxious coming off birth control and needed help and support along the way. I have seen my charts improve based on all the information I’ve learned. I feel confident and I am so happy I made this decision.

    Natalie, Canada

  • 5 stars

    Feel more Confident in your Practice

    Understanding my cycles phases and confidently tracking it became second nature, thanks to Mary's clear and relatable teaching materials.

    Mary created a safe space where all emotions, even shame and guilt, were embraced. This nurturing environment allowed for emotional growth alongside learning.

    Jessyca, North Carolina

Curious if cycle tracking it right for you?

Let’s find out ➝